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Elder Nutrition and Wellbeing Programs

Do you care for a loved one and want a more holistic approach to their nutrition and wellbeing? I get it, I'm totally there too. I care for my Mother in Law around the clock, and her nutrition and wellbeing are paramount for her and ultimately for us. 


From a holistic place, I can help you to elevate nutrition and nurture wellbeing by;

• Holistically assessing your cared one's eating habits, food rituals, food shopping and food preparation habits 

• Taking a cohesive picture of their nutrient intake, taking their medical history into consideration and creating individual nutrient planning goals and strategies 

• Consider your cared one's habits related to movement and socialisation when planning nutrient goals and strategies


Program is $199 for 4 sessions


Click the sign up button below and let's arrange our first meet up. 


Sign up for the Elder Nutrition Program

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